22 家最佳住宅代理服务器提供商

前 22 位代理提供商 他们可以让您访问地理限制的数据。 无论您是一家试图保护自己品牌的公司 想要抓取数据的营销人员 或个人

22 家最佳住宅代理服务器提供商

22 家最佳住宅代理服务器提供商

使用住宅代理是一种方法。住宅代理是一种使用真实住宅 IP 地址的代理。这使得网站很难识别您的代理使用情况。访问网络时这会增加另一层保护和隐私。因为市场上有很多选择。帮助您做出明智的选择。我们列出了排名前 22 位的住宅代理提供商。它们可以让您访问地理限制的数据。无论您是一家试图保护自己品牌的公司,还是想要抓取数据的营销人员,还是个人,在我们探索住宅代理的世界时,放松一下,喝杯咖啡。

IP2World Proxy 提供住宅、匿名IP 代理服务。


IP2World Proxy 提供超过 9000 万个真实、干净、匿名的住宅代理 IP,覆盖全球 220 多个地区。HTTP(S) 住宅代理流通数据通过 API 或 User+Pass Auth 检索。从网页下载功能强大的代理软件,轻松配置SOCKS5全球住宅代理。城市、ASN 级别定位、无限带宽。和无限的并发代理会话。IP2World 将足够的代理 IP 合并到一个软件中。IP2 代理管理器与各种应用程序兼容。可用于保护品牌 SEO 广告审核、定价聚合、学术调查 社交媒体管理 指纹浏览器、网络游戏、运动鞋、电子商务、数据收集等。

SOAX提供广泛的合法且稳定的 IPv6/IPv4 地址。

Soax 是最大的成熟代理提供商之一。专门从事住宅和移动代理。该平台迅速普及,分段托管 IP 地址数量不断增加,超过 850 万个 IP 地址。借助 Soax,您可以享受高速连接、详细的地理定位和 100% 的安全性。并且不要透露您的身份

网站: soax.com

PyProxy高级 IP 代理 无限会话 正常运行时间 99.9%

PyProxy 为住宅和数据中心提供代理。住宅代理有多种格式。这是一笔相当不错的交易,因为它涵盖了广泛的用例,例如 SEO 审核、抓取、研究等。至于涉及的数字,这取决于您要寻找的内容。住宅代理来自 190 多个地点的超过 2500 万个 IP 地址池。这比一些大公司提供的还要多。价格起价为每月 130 美元,50GB 流量,另加 18GB 流量,最高 480 美元,200GB 流量,另加 100GB 流量。

网站: pyproxy.com

IPIDEA,全球最大代理资源提供商 拥有超6000万户住宅资源

IPIDEA是全球领先的IP代理提供商,在全球220个国家和城市地区拥有超过6000万个IP。具有无限并发连接请求和无限带宽的大规模网络爬行。确保您的网络爬虫平稳高效地运行。您可以立即轻松地扩展您的网络抓取。它有一个强大的仪表板。随时通过仪表板接收和查看信息。进行流量统计 查看余额 搜索交易历史 在单个站点内管理白名单和验证帐户

网站: ipidea.io

Infatica是一个提供可靠住宅 IP 服务的全球代理网络。

Infatica 是一个新的代理提供商,在许多国家/地区使用。Infatica 有两种类型的代理服务器可提供全面保护:数据中心代理和住宅代理。该服务非常适合用于控制。PPC质量 PPC质量控制功能是指代理服务器触发威胁模拟来检测欺诈网站。此外,Infatica 还提供 7 天退款保证和 IP 验证。Infatica 有代理服务器选项。高级客户有机会通过三种不同类型的代理(例如住宅和数据中心)发送请求。

网站: infatica.io

LunaProxy领先的代理服务提供商 它旨在提供流畅且不受限制的互联网访问。

Luna Proxy 为寻求优质住宅代理的企业提供了强大的解决方案。凭借超过 2 亿个可用代理,用户可以无缝扩展其运营。该服务可以轻松安装和使用这些代理。它允许按国家或城市精确连接到全球位置。该平台非常适合高效数据收集。它支持无限的并发会话。特别是,Luna Proxy 的平均成功率高达 99.99%,保证了可靠的性能。以国家和城市级别为目标的能力提供了跨应用程序的灵活性。

ABCProxy - 全球住宅代理,智能人工智能技术,更新和优化的IP池,99.99%的可用性。

ABCProxy is a professional web proxy service provider. which is committed to providing the highest quality residential IP proxy solutions to customers worldwide. As the world's leading proxy service provider It has an extensive network of residential IP proxy servers. This ensures that each proxy is 100% pure, safe, and reliable. 99% IP availability can return invalid IPs. Supports city-level translation, zip, ISP, etc. Supports Socks5, Http, Https Supports fingerprint browsers, simulators, mobile phones, etc. A+ proxy infrastructure improves proxy network speed in more than 190 countries, Over 200 million physical residential IP addresses, GDPR and CCPA compliant.

Asocks reliable residential and mobile proxy with global IP protection.

Asocks is a premium proxy service for solving business problems. You pay only for the traffic you use at an exclusive price: $3 = 1GB The most stable proxy on the market can successfully connect to any software and program. Residential and mobile proxies at the same price. – $3/GB over 150 GEO with the ability to target cities by ASN. You can pay for services with any card or cryptocurrency. 24/7 support, anytime, anywhere

website: asocks.com

piaproxy.com offers unmatched security and speed. Surf the web completely anonymously.

piaproxy.com is Socks5 residential proxy software created by MARS BROTHERS LIMITED. More than 350 million global residential proxies are obtained from verified suppliers who hold strict commitments. To notify end-users of their participation in the proxy network and obtain their consent, most of these end-users also receive monetary rewards. IP availability rate is 99.9%. There is no charge if it is invalid. Supports country, city, zip code, and ISP targeting.

360Proxy Cheapest Residential Proxy 100% housing not detected

360PROXY is a leading global residential proxy provider. It provides rich resources in more than 190 countries and regions. To meet the needs of a variety of business scenarios and more than 80 million residential IPs to meet the needs of a variety of business situations Supports downloading of windows applications. Charges based on the number of proxies. Offers users the lowest cost per IP unit for beginner-friendly

Webshare is a technology leader in fast and affordable proxy server services.

Webshare is a technology leader in legal-to-use enterprise proxy services. It enables the collection, aggregation, and analysis of insights for businesses around the world. It offers 3 different types of proxy products. Proxy server (data center), fixed housing and residential proxy Find the best one for your needs. Webshare offers a permanent free plan with 10 proxies. You can use the free proxy for as long as you want before upgrading to a paid proxy plan.

Proxys.IO provides proxy server rental services. Fast and reliable proxies starting at 10 rubles.

Proxys.IO provides proxy server rental services. It has been operating in the market since 2016 and is famous for its best quality. There are a variety of IPv4 and IPv6 proxy options available for your rental needs. Respected by customers for its reliability and stability. The service is fully automated, with 24/7 support. The proxy will be displayed in your personal account after payment. If you are a new customer There are testing options for you.

website: proxys.io

Oxylabs is the right choice for countless companies and proxy resellers.

Oxylabs uses one of the most reliable and largest proxy services on the market, covering 195 countries worldwide. Also collect public data without blocking with AI-based Web Unblocker, a market-leading proxy and web isolation solution for large-scale public data collection. It is driven by high business standards and innovation.

website: oxylabs.io

iprockets Fast, secure, high quality enterprise grade proxy network starting at 1.8$/month.

IPRockets provides proxy services in a wide range of locations. Flexible targeting at country, region, city and even individual operators is available for customer convenience. IPRockets IP address pool consists of more than 8.5 million IPs. Socks5 Proxy that provides a secure, fast and efficient HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy service for needs such as social media. brand protection

website:  iprockets.net

922proxy.com Largest Residential IP Provider Ready to serve 100%

922proxy.com is the world's most trusted proxy provider. And the reason is very simple. are privacy experts with more than 200 million residential IP addresses from around the world in more than 190 countries and a proven track record of putting privacy first. The solution is cost-effective, reliable and easy to use. To provide a first class experience Customer support or technical assistance Or use the 24/7 live chat feature on any proxy web page.

iProxy Online allows you to create your own personal mobile proxy using an Android app in any country.

iProxy Online is a mobile proxy solution that helps you convert your Android device into a powerful proxy server. Multiple proxy access points can be created from a single phone. It supports both SOCKS5 and HTTP proxies. You can also enjoy automatic and remote IP address changes to ensure top-notch privacy. iProxy Online's proxy provides high-speed web browsing and simulates Surf the web on your mobile phone Not a hotspot Keep your online activities safe You can also use Telegram bot for real-time IP management and notifications. With iProxy Online, you can embrace a future where mobile proxies offer unmatched privacy and security."

NetNut.io Residential Proxy Web data extraction is limitless. Enjoy fast web access

NetNut is a leading provider of fast, reliable, and scalable proxy solutions. It enables organizations to anonymously collect, analyze, and extract data from the web. By using NetNut's global residential IP network, businesses can easily hide their real IP. and fix geo-blocked content without being misled or blocked It has an impressive data accuracy rate of 99%, revolutionizing the speed of data collection for businesses around the world.

website: netnut.io

IPRoyal top-tier proxy service starts at $1.75 per bandwidth.

IPRoyal is a proxy provider in UAE provides 100% transparent proxy service with IP, it is a relatively new proxy service that offers customers 24/7/365 and 99.9% uptime internet. The user interface is beginner friendly and easy to use. And the support service is excellent. An attractive low-cost proxy service that offers a wide variety of proxies to choose from. This includes top-level resident proxies. data center proxy and even niche sneaker proxies that other proxy providers don't offer.

Torguard Cheapest VPN Proxy Service Surf Anonymously

VPN provider TorGuard protects your identity and privacy with an anonymous VPN, proxy and email encryption service for individuals and businesses. Offering a massive network of 3000+ global VPN servers in 50+ countries, get unlimited bandwidth and no throttling anywhere in the world, you can enjoy the security benefits of TorGuard VPN on any operating system. All your favorites, including Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android. With one TorGuard account, you can protect up to 12 devices at the same time.

PacketStream download program open to monetization Minimum withdrawal $5.00

PacketStream 是第一个点对点代理交换网络。您可以通过出售带宽来赚钱。要赚钱,只需从仪表板的下载部分下载 PacketStream 客户端即可。如果您是客户,PayPal 的最低提款额为 5.00 美元。您还可以从您的住宅 IP 购买带宽和冲浪,以保护您的浏览隐私。支持所有国家/地区并且您还可以转售您的 PacketStream 代理服务以增加您的收入。


SSLPrivateProxy.com 它是提供匿名代理和安全虚拟专用网络的世界领先者。提供高速代理和 VPN,用于匿名、分类广告、社交媒体、SEO 和网络营销。它提供了一套全面的匿名代理和安全的虚拟专用网络。基础设施提供对全球 100 多个地点的访问 SSLPrivateProxy 有很大的增长。它是由口碑和竞争激烈的联盟计划共同推动的。每天都有超过一千名客户依赖我们的速度。信任、安全和全球影响力

IPBurger,全球最大的代理网络,拥有超过 3000 万个住宅 IP。

IPBurger 是全球最大的专用住宅代理提供商之一,拥有超过 3000 万个住宅 IP,为您提供工具和平台,让您的代理实施更上一层楼。Fresh Proxy 专注于为 IPBurger 最终用户提供最快、最高质量的代理,是 IPBurger 独有的,为世界各地的企业提供对高价值服务的安全访问。无论您身在世界何处,它都能提供稳定、快速的连接。并提供未经审查的网站和服务访问。位置定位和低错误率










